Harbor Island
Club Bulletin
May 20, 2023
Harbor Island Park Parking Permit Policy: May 26th, 2023 – Labor Day, 2023
The Village of Mamaroneck requires a daily parking pass or a seasonal parking permit to park in Harbor Island Park between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
For your convenience, SPORTIME members who will be playing tennis at our facility during our outdoor season will be given a parking pass for the summer. These passes are now available for pick up at our reception desk. The passes we provide are NOT to display in your car's window; they are to present to the attendant in the booth at the entrance of the park, who will then provide you with a 4-hour, single use pass for you to display in your window.
If you are coming to the club for the first time after May 26th, please come 10-15 minutes early, as you will need to pick up the SPORTIME pass and then go back to the entrance of the park to receive your 4-hour pass. After your first visit, simply keep the SPORTIME pass in your car for Park entry.
Player/Camper Drop Off – No Permit Required:
When dropping off a player or camper, parents/guardians may simply notify the gate attendant that you are dropping off and will not be parking. The gate attendant will not charge you for parking and will give you a 10-15 minute pass for your window, so that you do not get ticketed while dropping off.
If you are Non-Member, but plan to play at the club as a guest or on a per-diem basis, you will not be required to pay for parking when visiting SPORTIME. Just come to the club a few minutes early so that we may provide you with a SPORTIME daily pass, which you will show the parking attendant at the entrance of the park to obtain your 4-hour pass.
Thank you,
SPORTIME Harbor Island Management
PLEASE NOTE: the Village of Mamaroneck will ticket any car that does not display a valid parking pass, and SPORTIME will not be able to help you once you receive a ticket, so please see us first for your SPORTIME pass, use that pass to receive the appropriate parking pass from the Village attendant, and display such pass in your vehicle each time you park!