Club Bulletin
Jul 21, 2024
EHSC Camper Times e-Newsletter Vol 5
Dear EHSC@SPORTIME Amagansett 2024 Campers & Families:
Five weeks into the 2024 camp season and the summer's first heat wave didn't dampen our fun! We beat the heat in the pool, where our campers' water safety skills and confidence are improving every day, and our waterslides and sprinklers also helped us cool-down. Our older camper groups took turns going to the beach, and everyone enjoyed some indoor time playing sports and games at the Arena, which is air-conditioned. And we still had plenty of outdoor fun playing a lot of tennis, soccer, gaga and speedball. Thanks to our amazing counselors, tennis coaches and swim instructors, our campers are having a blast! We are looking forward to 6 more weeks of camp! While some weeks and age groups may be sold out, it's not too late to add weeks or to extend your camper's season for some weeks - just let us know and we will try to make it happen.