After Work TK
If you are interested in joining the Adult TK program or learning more about its availability and scheduling, contacting SPORTIME would be the next step. The program provides a valuable opportunity for adult players to improve their skills, meet like-minded individuals, and enjoy the benefits of structured group lessons in a convenient after-work setting.
Membership Required Ages: Adults
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, the Adult TK program offers a supportive and structured learning environment to enhance your tennis skills and overall fitness. It allows you to engage in tennis lessons after work hours, ensuring that you can pursue your passion for the sport without conflicting with your daytime commitments.
In addition to the benefits you receive as a SPORTIME Member, you also have the opportunity to take advantage of monthly member benefits like complimentary court time, adult clinics and more.
Details, Dates and Rates
Here are our season offerings
1 Landing Road
Roslyn, NY 11576
(516) 484-9222